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I Forge Iron

where to buy medium carbon steel online.

mind taker

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i feel like I started something in this thread when I had an issue with his not wishing to give a general location. I did that simply because in so many past threads that has helped when someone nearby stepped up and either pointed to a nearby source or provided some personal help.

In fact we all have that right to wotever privacy we feel we need. I will try and remember that from now on.

And I will not forget that we all have the right to make wotever we wish to make in our shops from wotever we wish to make it.

We can describe our past or present work however we wish. It is our shop and our work. Outside rules need not apply.

For some years now I have sent private notes to many folks on here and asked if they wouild like help, mostly concerning something they had made and posted pictures in the forum. Some of those folks never replied, some did. I wish I had done that in this thread.

I am posting these thoughts for others that read. I think as a group we have sent this person down the road and that to me is so sad.

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I honestly don't think you started anything. more like you called someone out for their BS. an inherent side effect of certain ways of acting. Where as I agree it's sad if he decides that he was treated unfairly and decides to move on to "greener pastures" but at the same time, learning to live and interact with others is something that many people need to learn to do. People think because they aren't talking to someone in person they don't need to give them respect, or treat them kindly. It's the anonimity of the internet. It's a shield that people use to freely. In addition, it behooves someone to help themselves and to let people help them help themselves. To me, stating that you "like to protect your online security" is a statement that trust is not given and without trust there can be no free exchange of information. You can give enough information without risking your security and still be able to give poeple the information they need in order to help you. for example, I've got "Western Wa" as my location. I do not need more than that, but it gives people enough information to give me suggestions on places to start looking for something. A simple statement of I'm in the VT/NH area, or the DElaware/NJ area. or heaven forbid just to list a state, would give enough information for people to give you specific information, but not risk any security.


One must first play well with others before they can enter into a group. It is life.

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Never look a gift horse in the mouth......did I quote that correctly? There may be better places to gather and exchange info and knowledge.....I haven't found one better than IFI. The plethora of knowledge and resources are endless.....my work and improvement are true testament of what can be achieved......your call my friend. Cheers Darren

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Don't sweat it Rich he wasn't going to get far with his attitude regardless. He took adult talk as an insult. I decided I wasn't going to say anymore, I might talk to him like he was an adult and insult him.


The craft of a blacksmith let alone bladesmith requires problem solving as well as eye hand coordination, trained muscle memory, knowledge and the realization the steel don't know diddly about mystique or what we think. It is what it is WE have to learn IT'S way, not the other way around. If a fellow can't use the Yellow pages or do a basic search online s/he's a long way from ready to blacksmith let alone bladesmith.


Since the accident I've had to try really hard not to get into arguments or plain old rants because I've gotten emotionally invested in something that doesn't concern me. It's the damage to my left hemisphere and I'm learning some coping mechanisms. Letting the annoying ones be is my best so far.


Only a kid or an idiot asks for help then cops an attitude when it isn't what they wanted to hear. Fine help yourself.


It bums me out too when someone gives up. Maybe after enough failures he'll figure out it takes actual knowledge and work to master a craft, ANY craft.


Regardless Rich, it wasn't anything you said, he wasn't going to take well to adult conversation no matter who.


Frosty The Lucky.

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Lets not jump on this guy for not giving a location. In this day and age identity theft is the number 1 crime if im not mistaken. Alot of ppl have a phobia now of interweb info with good reason. The way it was worded seemed to be the trigger because of the lack of courtesy and manners but maby his response wasnt thought out before being posted. Now the only other problem i see is that mind taker dosent seem to be really working to hard to find a good source of medium carbon steel and that does bug us smiths due to the fact that we are all about doing the work so thats another cause of anger. Sometimes we spend more time, energy and bandwidth on raging on a guy then answering questions and in turn causes them to become defensive. Only reason im saying all this is i've notice this situation in multiple threads. Happy hammering my friends and thanks to all the beginners for asking the questions and all the old curmudgeons for giving the answers.

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Lets not jump on this guy for not giving a location. In this day and age identity theft is the number 1 crime if im not mistaken. Alot of ppl have a phobia now of interweb info with good reason. The way it was worded seemed to be the trigger because of the lack of courtesy and manners but maby his response wasnt thought out before being posted. Now the only other problem i see is that mind taker dosent seem to be really working to hard to find a good source of medium carbon steel and that does bug us smiths due to the fact that we are all about doing the work so thats another cause of anger. Sometimes we spend more time, energy and bandwidth on raging on a guy then answering questions and in turn causes them to become defensive. Only reason im saying all this is i've notice this situation in multiple threads. Happy hammering my friends and thanks to all the beginners for asking the questions and all the old curmudgeons for giving the answers.



Much better said than I did. I'm not trying to drive the kids off any more than the other guys are. HIS response to attempted help and suggestions to speed up the help he was asking for were hostile and self aggrandizing. Putting on airs isn't going to do him any good here OR in life and as can be seen by the responses he elicited will only start a . . . Whatever match.


This is exactly why I tried to keep out of it. HOWEVER when a genuinely good guy starts apologizing for trying to help I couldn't resist. I mean, seriously the name Mindtaker isn't a guy who even considers social behavior anything but beneath him. While I'm sorry if a potential blacksmith was chased away, I'm not going to shed tears or even begin to form regrets. If grown up talk is too insulting for him to tolerate, he certainly isn't going to be able to do much as a blacksmith. Steel and iron LAUGHS at OUR feelings. WE work on the STEEL'S terms not the other way around. Point blank and PERIOD.


I don't care if he wants to post even a general location, lots of solid contributors don't and while I'd like an idea of where in the world they live and practice the craft. It's their call, so be it. I'm neither insulted, hurt or bothered. I don't see them asking such basic questions and complaining about not getting good enough answers that REQUIRE knowing their location.


Seriously, if you wish to eat at the adult table, behave like an adult. Age has little to do with it. GEEZE have I gotten WAY too involved in this subject, I'm signing off.


On the other side, If I can stop wasting MY time on this topic, maybe it's just good therapy to help me get my left hemisphere back in balance. Not saying any more on my part is a win for me.


Bye bye.


Frosty The Lucky.

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