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I Forge Iron

W.i.p: Saw blade Ulu chopper

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Ayyup, that's an Ulu. Most of the ulu makers here only have just enough space between the handle and blade to fit finger easily, some don't have any gap. Next time I talk to one I'll ask if there's a reason for putting the handles so close.


Frosty The Lucky.

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I'm probably speaking out of turn but not about Nick's ulu.


Ulus in general are multi use utility blades and only recently become popular as modern kitchen blade, usually used in fitted bowls for chopping veggies. Polar region natives use them for skinning, flensing, butchering, sometimes as plant harvesting tools and choppers. Depending on specific uses they're sharpened single or double beveled, single bevels are more effective and safer skinning and flensing.


The basic design can be traced as far back as single faced scrapers but has it's most prominent and similar ancestor as the Mousterian biface hand axe. Well, as far as my memory goes anyway. If I had one of my native buddies here I'd just put him on and he could give you a serious history and use lesson. Harry grew up using Ulus and loves going into detail. Heck, even more that I do if you believe that.


Frosty the Lucky.

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