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I Forge Iron

How do you punch 3/8" or 1/2" hole


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I've been learning blacksmithing for 3 yrs. don't have a teacher but a member of 2 clubs.
I mostly learn from books. I am wanting to put a 3/8" or 1/2" hole in some 1/8". X 1-1/4" flat mild steel.
Do I need to make a punch to the size and a piece of steel below with a hole drilled the same size as the punch or a close fit to punch it through?
I have been looking at some work from a blacksmith fron 1956 his holes are perfect .does anybody want to share the secret of how it's done? Don't want to use a drill.
Keith S.

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1/8 is easy to punch make a punch the size you want and make a punch plate where the punch fits with a little wiggle room (there are guidelines available if you wish to be precise) make sure your punch has a sharp edge (grind the tip if needed ) . or alternatively you can purchase a tool to do this (whitney punches or others or a ironworker) these tools work cold and are precise and fast .I have a few different whitney punches The largest of witch can punch a 1/2 in hole in 1/2 in steel.

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Forge a piece of coil spring or whatever kind of better steel you have available (I have used spring shackles instead of coil spring), into a tapered punch. Start with a piece of 5/8" coil spring, about 4-5 inches long. REMEMBER TO START SQUARE, THEN OCTAGONAL, THEN ROUND!! Forge it into a tapered punch from about 1/8"-3/16" at the tip, taper at least half way, this will give you a tapered punch about 6-7" long (or so). Heat up where you want the hole to red to orange hot, hammer the punch in the spot you want the hole until the punch stops moving (about 2-3 blows in 1/4" material), turn the piece over and punch from the back side, in the dark spot. Punch through a bolster or through the pritchel hole, from both sides until you get to your desired size. Punch a bit and quench the punch, punch some more and quench the punch. If the punch get too hot and you quench it, it will harden, then it will break. Then you can reforge the taper and continue.


Patience, work fast and smart. Not like a bull in a China Shop :) :)





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My wording was not very well. I do want to slit it into a hole. A BOLTER.
I will make a tapered punch. What I was doing wrong was trying to punch a 1/4" hole over the pitrel hole
Then I would turn it over and try to punch out the slot ,which would only come half way out. I needed to punch on a solid base then turn over and punch on through pitrel hole. But I will also make a BOLSTER.
Thanks , for taking your time to turn the lights on for me.
Keith s

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