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I Forge Iron

Hello from Dunedin Fl

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Just got signed up and figured I'd say my hellos. I have worked as a jeweler and gun smith ( though I am a Full time Phone man...long story) and now got the Blacksmith bug. Getting my tools and forge in order to start hammring in the yard. I promise to use the search button and not be too annoying with the newbie questions. To that end Thanx for the help and for the keeping the site together.



Omar Norvald Petrou

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Welcome aboard Omar, glad to have you. Please put your general location in your header, it's a win win, IFI members within visiting distance can help get you started and we won't bug you about it.


Hook up with the local organization, every hour spent with an experienced smith is worth days of trying to figure it out yourself. They'll also  know about resources for tools, equipment, materials, etc.


And, don't worry about asking us questions, good questions are a treasure we learn a lot from thinking about why we do a thing the way we do. Well,  do anyway.


Frosty The Lucky.

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