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I Forge Iron

Mystery Modification

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I had recently acquired this post vice. The origional screw, handle and box had been repalced with this wheel screw and cross piece. What I am trying to identify is the cross piece. I realize it is from a screw press of some kind. Does anyone have an idea what it was from or be interested in that part?  there is what appears to me the face of an Indian with either a war bonnet or braids coming beside the face. Any information would be appreciated.








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I wouldn't think it next to useless, without that screw and cross piece it would be next to useless but as it is it would be much better than no vise at all. Yes, whoever did that could have finessed it a little better, like put a spring of some sort to open the jaws, maybe a coil spring from an intake vale off of a 70GMC, that's work to open the jaws. And they could have put a sleeve of some kind to keep the screw centered in the back jaw, but next to useless, naw, I have seen the time I'd a give the left portion of my anatomy for a vise near that good.

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I wouldn't think it next to useless, without that screw and cross piece it would be next to useless but as it is it would be much better than no vise at all. Yes, whoever did that could have finessed it a little better, like put a spring of some sort to open the jaws, maybe a coil spring from an intake vale off of a 70GMC, that's work to open the jaws. And they could have put a sleeve of some kind to keep the screw centered in the back jaw, but next to useless, naw, I have seen the time I'd a give the left portion of my anatomy for a vise near that good.

But how would you attach it to a bench? 

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Thanks Guys that "piece" would make vice #4 if I were to try to use it as a "vice". I have a 5" mounted to a RR tie in the smithy, and a 3 " mounted to a 4" square tube welded to a  2'x3' flat plate I take on the road and another 5" just loose i have plans for mounting in my secondary forging area.  A friend that runs an auction had bought This and told me about it,  said it had an "Indian Head" cast into it, I bought it sight unseen. I've got another scaffold jack Screw and Nut, I can use to replace the missing parts, and I could forge a yoke to mount it to a post and a flat spring to open it.

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