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I Forge Iron

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hi all, Col here, just been to the local pioneer museum here in kangaroo valley (nsw australia) and saw they have a smithy shop in need of some use. all the workers there are volunteers so might be able to talk them into letting me use it. I'm not a smith, but have worked metal before and I figure the best way to learn is to do it!!! and maybe I can make a few items for them to sell to raise money to keep it all running.  http://www.kangaroovalleymuseum.com/

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Welcome aboard Col, glad to have you. If you put your general location in your header you may be surprised at how many of the IFI gang live down under.


It's always good to be able to get a historic site up and working, people deserve to see a bit of the past in action and it's usually a good deal for the person doing the volunteering. Good on ya.


Frosty the Lucky.

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