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I Forge Iron

My new anvil.

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After a of years of flattening my Harbor freight ASO, i decided i needed a nice anvil. everytime i came across one for sale, i never had the money. After a few months, i came across an anvil on craigslist, it just so happened that i had the money. So , the following weekend i went down to take a look at it. the anvil was in excellent condition and just the right size for my small shop(150LBS). He was asking $280 for it and after chatting a while, i offered him $250. I brought it home and made a pair of tongs on it. it works great.



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I saw that craigslist ad. It mentioned that the face had some repairs done to it. If its the anvil I think it is
which I saw a few years ago it should work pretty well for you. If its the same anvil, the seller was originally trying to get
$450+ for it.
Just a suggestion, if you aren't already signed up, you might want to join the Southwest Artist Blacksmith Association (SWABA) an ABANA affiliate

We have a meeting on December 1.

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Hey I'd be willing to be president again if I knew I didn't have to pack up and move in a couple of months!

New job often requires new location...I've been hinting to one of my students that he should get me hired on where he has an offer when he graduates in December---then we could share a place and he'd be able to use my equipment, especially as I would be commuting home on weekends...(SW NM)

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The anvil did have repairs made on the face. However, they were done professionally and looks incredible! It looks like I got a good price on it if he originally was asking450$. I am going to join SWABA. However, because of my job I will not be able to attend the meeting in December.

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