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I Forge Iron

Advice for new comer

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High, I've recently joined this forum in hopes of learning more about blacksmithing. I was just wondering what a few of your opinions were on the best way to actually become a blacksmith or become good at the art. Is schooling a good route and if so what schools? Is it hard to find a job as one? And pretty much just what is the best path to take, to become a blacksmith?

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First off if you list your location in your profile you might find someone in your area on this forum willing to help.

I myself started here by reading a lot of the posts and gathering information on building my forge setup. I would suggest working with someone before you start gathering all the tools to make sure this is something you want to pursue. Once I found out I wanted to stick with it I took a class at a local school to get me started and I also joined the state blacksmith assoc.

As for the professional side I'll leave that to the others.

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What *type* of blacksmith?

However for most types Frank Turley's School in Santa Fe NM will be a BIG step in the right direction.

Then perhaps the ABS school in Arkansas if you want to forge knives.

For ornamental work: Art classes, especially drawing and learning "forms".

For all types SMALL BUSINESS CLASSES; I've known folks that their entire yearly profit came from how they depreciated their equipment and known folks who didn't even know they should! (and went bankrupt)

Most types of smithing will be enriched if you have a good background in welding and machining---and also you have good skills to rely on if there is a downturn in the smithing business.

And lastly if you are in the USA----marry someone with good medical insurance! Almost all independent craftspeople are *1* major medical bill away from bankruptcy.

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