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I Forge Iron

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I have just set up a forge, its probably as basic as you can get, and im making tongs. the idea is to make tools that will help me make MORE TOOLS. lol anyway so i decided to make a pair of tongs after watching a tutorial video made by one of the members here, it took me 2 days and i had to make three halves lol i made the 2nd pair today, i didnt bother squaring the handle this time so it took me much less time. I should mention it takes me quite a while to do anything Because im burning hard wood so the fire is reasonably inconsistent anyway here is a picture of the two tongs i made. the one on the top is the 1st one i made, it is a total of 20 inches long however the shorter handle is only 13 inches. The one below is 24 inches long.

Also the 1st pair have been adapted no less than three times which explains why they are kinda all over the place. haha



Well your on the right track. I know several smiths who, even after years in the Forge, are still using the first set of tongs they made. I too go back to my first set from time to time. Hang on to them :-)


i was just gonna say that hang on to your first pair of tongs like Willway said i still use my first pair all the time good job on the tongs


haha thanx guys, yeah there is no sense in letting them go, but i would have never expected people to hang onto them so tightly. really is a great thing to be able to make something and still depend in it years latter.


moving up to propane forge is not such an expensive addition, although feeding the thing can be . Your first set of tongs is right on track, so you have made yourself a great keepsake. After you went to all this trouble start looking into others youtube videos on the subject to find out about all those special moves in their construction so that your next set may be easier. Many videos do not point out the subtle moves or strange positions when forging tongs, or other things. A hint here would be to look at Brian Brazeals video on tongs. Where I live I am lucky enough to have a few great smiths that will point out such things, after they are convinced I have done my homework on the project. Many smiths are the same way. Do your homework and try to work out the project. Show what you have done to your mentor and he will most likely point out the better method.

Carry on


G'day Mate, good start.
If you have access to hardwood then you can make good charcoal. There is a fair bit on the 'net about it, but all you really need is a metal drum/container you can put a lid on to seal it.
I use a 44 Gal drum with a 2" pipe entering the bottom of the drum, with the end of the pipe in the middle of the drum (so air can be drawn into the centre of the fire). Then just light a fire and start adding your hardwood until the drum is full. When the wood has burned to coals, put the lid on and bung the 2" pipe closed, (so no more air can get to your fire) then let it all cool and you'll end up with about a 1/3 to a 1/2 drum of good charcoal.
It's all I use and it works well......


i actually made some charcoal yesterday altho not in a 44, i think i shall try that next.

i dont actually know any blacksmiths in my area, i do have a lead which might help me get in contact with one tho haha

Brian Brazeals video on how to make tongs is actually what inspired me to make the 1st pair, i attempted to use the techniques he displayed with the 1st pair of tongs, but i ended up modifying the process to better suit my equipment, its hard to get an even heating with my fire. lol

the 2nd pair of tongs was made out of 1/2" round bar the 1st pair was made of a slightly smaller section, at a guess i would say made 2/5" or 1/3 altho to be honest i dont really know, just grabbing whatever i can get my hands on lol

EDIT: The 1st pair is made out of 1/2" round stock and the 2nd pair is made out of 1". i went and checked haha

Thanx for all the support guys :)


i think 3/8 round too small and 1/2 round marginal for tongs, unless for a special purpose. yes they have enough metal for the reigns (handles) but not enough for the business end. Of course there is always an exception and after you have completed several more sets of tongs you will get a grasp on the amount of metal to be moved in the right direction for your project. Heck I am still learning this every time I get the fire going. You, me, and a whole lot more are learning different things everyday...I hope.

And hopefully you will find someone to help you a bit.

Carry on


1/2 inch square piece about 6 inch long will have enough metal to make a dandy set that has a good amount of metal for a good grip. Should be about 9 in to 12 in long overall. Dang good small set to keep close by.


I live in Victoria Australia haha

Yeah i got the sizes wrong in my guestimate because im trying to convert to inches and also without seeing the it at the time it can be difficult. they are both quite meaty and i dont invisage them breaking anytime soon particularly the 2nd pair haha The next set i make will be a small pair of 10" approx to use to grip something tighly while bending both in a jig and with a hammar


just made my 1st batch of charcoal using a 44 gal, put the lid on it a few hours ago but its dark now so i will have to check tomorrow but i have high hope, it was looking very promising.


I live in Victoria Australia haha

Yeah i got the sizes wrong in my guestimate because im trying to convert to inches and also without seeing the it at the time it can be difficult. they are both quite meaty and i dont invisage them breaking anytime soon particularly the 2nd pair haha The next set i make will be a small pair of 10" approx to use to grip something tighly while bending both in a jig and with a hammar


You might want to check out this link.


I have no idea how far this is from you, but if it's within a hour or two drive I'd try to make it. I am sure these guys would be able to get you started in the right direction and I wouldn't doubt you might make a few good contacts for mentors in the future.

thanx for the link Jeff it looks really good however it is 9 hours away from me lol which is a shame because i would love to make it to an advent like that, i have got two numbers of local blacksmiths that are quite well known in the reenactment society so im going to contact them soon,

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