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I Forge Iron

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What country are you in? It matters as there have been lots of anvil makers all over the world. The resolution of your huge photos makes details hard to make out, but I'd say cast anvil, note that cast steel is good, cast iron is bad. Bounce a hammer on the face, if the hammer rebounds/jumps back up that's a god sign, if it goes "thunk" and doesn't bounce, then you have a poor anvil.

"E" = Emerson? I loaned my copy of AIA to a friend, going off memory here...

Welcome to IFI!

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If you'll post your general location you may have folk knocking at your door to buy it. There are lots of folk getting into the craft looking darned hard for a good anvil and that one looks like a beauty, being a Columbian is even better.

Are you sure you want to sell your grandfather's anvil? Learning to blacksmith is Sooooooo much more fun than a few hundred bucks and lasts a lifetime. Not to mention earning that couple hundred bucks many times over with your own hands and the skills in your mind. Seriously NOTHING beats having folk wanting to give you money to practice your skills.

Not knowing the weight, not having pics I can view and not knowing where you are makes it pretty hard to estimate a fair asking price. In the end it's not worth what you think it is, it's worth what someone will pay. That isn't meant to be discouraging, it's just how it is.

Frosty the Lucky.

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