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I Forge Iron

New from Albion Park Rail


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Hi guys
I have a mate and he invited me to a day of blacksmithing at Sydney Fleet Heritage museum and I was hooked. I now am half way through building my forge and have an anvil. I can't wait to start trying to perfect the basics and doing some stuff.
I work in a scrapyard and cry now that I have seen so many tools that have be thrown away.I now check most loads that come in to check for stuff for any tools that have been discarded.
I am in awe of some pf the items that have been made by you guys and dream of making them myself, I hope that one day I will get there.
Hope to meet some of you guys from Sydney and the Illawarra area some time.

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1st of all welcome to IFI

Seeing as you are almost halfway there (from my perpective) you should look at attending Hammered at Moonies which is near enough the last week of October in Braidwood. All of us regulars will be there, plus some blowins. Put it in your diary, let Dale know you are coming, turn up. Its as easy as that.


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welcome from me too to your new obbsession. i cant imagine a better place to be situated than the scrap yard. looks like you better get yourself up to moonies too - im way too far! :) there is an awesome amount of info on here.... best of luck :)

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G'day again,
have ya visited Illawarra light railway museum? I reckon it is ripe for an in-house smithy, they do have in their aims; "To educate the public in the mechanics, manufacture and operation of steam engines and other mechanical devices used for light railway operations and industry." see http://www.ilrms.com.au/index.htm
AND they do have a nice looking Massey steam hammer hanging about...



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Hi Andrew.

I am well acquainted with the ilrms have been part of donating a second hand mill to them. They are a great bunch of blokes and i have seen there place.
I have also met Mr Moon once, a very long time ago when i picked up some moils and chisel that he repair for a former employer. I will try and take the advice of Beth and attend Moonies place if I can.

Till then happy Smithing to all.

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