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I Forge Iron


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    Wollongong, Australia
  1. Hi Andrew. I am well acquainted with the ilrms have been part of donating a second hand mill to them. They are a great bunch of blokes and i have seen there place. I have also met Mr Moon once, a very long time ago when i picked up some moils and chisel that he repair for a former employer. I will try and take the advice of Beth and attend Moonies place if I can. Till then happy Smithing to all.
  2. Thanks Phil Have marked it in my diary.
  3. Hi guys I have a mate and he invited me to a day of blacksmithing at Sydney Fleet Heritage museum and I was hooked. I now am half way through building my forge and have an anvil. I can't wait to start trying to perfect the basics and doing some stuff. I work in a scrapyard and cry now that I have seen so many tools that have be thrown away.I now check most loads that come in to check for stuff for any tools that have been discarded. I am in awe of some pf the items that have been made by you guys and dream of making them myself, I hope that one day I will get there. Hope to meet some of you guys from Sydney and the Illawarra area some time.
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