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I Forge Iron

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I wire brushed the anvil and wiped it down with WD 40, and found information stamped in the side:

Wright Patent England
Solid Wrought
the numbers 1 1 2 (I think this is the English hundredweight designation that I've read about here, equates to 142 lbs? I'll weigh it this weekend)
1" hardy hole & appx. 5/8" pritchel hole

The hardy tool is a 3/4 " Iron City item. (I'm going to tack weld a couple pieces of 1/8" stock to it to fit the hardy hole better)
Thoughts & comments welcome


try a piece of 1" square tubing first if you have a thicker wall tubing your hardy will fit in it then the hardy with the tubing on it will fit your 1" hardy hole. saving you from tacking a piece or two on your hardy and saving your anvil wear from the weld.


I take the tubing and hacksaw it at the corners about 1/2" or more down and then fold out the tabs.

Makes it sit on the anvil nicely and as mentioned serves as a wear shield as well.

For my 1.5" hardy holes I've had to double sleeve but luckily I've only had to tab the outer one as the inner sq tube one is a force fit.

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