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I Forge Iron

Chance encounter

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Hi guys and gals
i haven't posted hanything for a while, works been getting in the way of play. it's slowed down a bit now so i can get back out to the forge.
anyway i had to tell someone my news.
It starts like this, my uncle has three vehicles a C4, a Transit van and a ww2 willys jeep yesterday the c4 and trannie decided not too work and he had a doctors appontment so he jumped in the willys and off he went. on his way home another willys overtook him and the driver waved him to pull in so he did thinking something was wrong, it wasn't just a fellow collector wanting to admire and compare.
any way they got chatting and it turns out this fella is a blacksmith from 15min down the road, so my uncle mentioned me and that i was an aspiring smith, so this nice chap gave us his number and said i could go down anytime i wanted and he would show me how to do anything i wanted to know, even said i could go down on weekends and help him on jobs if i was up for it, voluntary of course but i don't mind knowledge is payment enough and my better half works weekends anyway.

anyway i had to tell someone thanks for listening

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