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I Forge Iron

A good place to Study Blacksmithing in Europe

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Hi everyone

I studied Black Smiting here in my home country of Israel about a year ago. I started from nothing and now I'm about in the level of a Beginner plus. I will add a picture of my project which was all made from Iron.

I'm thinking of taking a month off from University in the Summer and maybe go study some more Blacksmithing somewhere in Europe.

I was Thinking Italy or Germany. Does any one have any suggestions on good places to to get deeper into the art of Blacksmithing?

Thanks a lot!




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In Czech Republic are schools where You can learn blacksmithing, but this is normal school and you must study more than this one month.

In Poland : Wojciechów cost 1200 zł (polish złoty) Time: 26.06.2012 - 8.07.2012, you must register until 30.04 (you must complete the questionnaire ankieta <polish> link http://www.kowale.com.pl/index.php?go=w2012 Sorry text only polish

Blackmiths evens: demonstrations
Ivanofrankowsk Ukraine 04-07 maj 2012
XIII Turniej Kowali o Srebrne Klucze Legnicy 6-9.IX.2012

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The Blacksmiths' Guild, Exeter, UK. A range of courses or even a course especially for you, forge-in too. Have a look at the website (http://www.blacksmithsguild.com/index.html).

John B, here on IFI, is top dog and will be able to answer any questions about the Guild and put you in touch with smiths who specialise in things that may interest you.

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