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I have some 1 1/4 in round bar , I need to order some tongs for it, The set I am looking at are some Off center chain maker . Should I get the 1 1/4 in size or the 1 1/2 inch pair? Thoughts please.


I fully agree with Woodsmith. Making tongs is invaluable. It is a shame Grant (nakedanvil) is gone...he was Off Center Products. Kayne & Son (blacksmithdepot.com) have picked up Off Center Products.

Are you ordering through Kayne & Son? Call them up, or send an email and ask their opinion. They are excellent to work with.


I have some 1 1/4 in round bar , I need to order some tongs for it, The set I am looking at are some Off center chain maker . Should I get the 1 1/4 in size or the 1 1/2 inch pair? Thoughts please.

Depends on how competent you are, and how often you will be using them, to justify the outlay.

If you do not have much use for them, I would consider using other methods to secure them when forging (Forge in a long length where you can hndle the bar, or weld on a temporary handle)

1 1/4" is a fairly large size to start making tongs for, particularly properly for round stock, (a power hammer could be handy here, also swages of the correct size)) so I would suggest buying a pair to suit the bar you wish to hold, (you can always adjust them fairly easily if you have to)

Do you have experience of tong making?

Thank you Phil, for the idea. I should have thought of that ,And gents all I asked is which one would be better to hold a piece of round bar stock of 1 1/4 . either 1 1/4 in or 1 1/2 inch chain makeing tongs.


I would get them to fit the size. That's my personaly advice, having used ill-fitting tongs. Just get the right size and go from there.
And, just to second the others, if you feel so inclined making your own tongs is a good forging excercise!


If you are going to be working 1 1/4 inch stock get the 1 1/4 inch tongs. 1 1/2 inch will not grab 1 1/4 stock before they bottom out.
The OCP tongs are the ones that you want


I would get the 1" ocp chain tongs. They are probably a more useful size in the long run and you can stand to have them a tad big in the hand. They also tend to loosen up over time.


The gooseneck chainmakers are wonderful, I have a couple pair and they are a treat not having to worry about interference at the hinge. On small stock (1/2 inch) the offset does not make much difference with positioning and rotating...not sure how that would be on bigger stock.


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