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I Forge Iron

Buzzbox arc welding

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I agree with irnsrgn, but once you burn a few hundred rods, you will get your own feel for amperage considering your travel speed and thickness of material. Some people weld a bit faster/ slower than the other - nothing wrong with that at all. It's what works best for you, brother! Good luck.

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AC burns differently from DC also. Some buzzboxes will support both versions and some are AC only. In general, AC is best used for high current applications (like iron powder - 7014, 7024) and DC for the rest. However, AC works well enough for 90% of most general purpose work. You didn't ask but I like 6011 and 7014 as good all purpose rods, although some will vote for 6013 and 7018. Each has its own best use and fan base depending on what you learned on.

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