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I Forge Iron

Making dies

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I made dies for my Anyang whith an angelgrinder a coordinatetable and a drillpress. Theres a description of how i did it at the swedish Antracit forum. I gues you have to google translate it and you need to register to se pictures.

Necessity is the mother of invention. Now that’s thinking out of the box. Use what you have and get it done.
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I think Patrick has the best idea if you can afford it. Much of the time in making dovetails is the setup. So having 4 or 5 sets machined up would probably only cost a little more than 1 set.

I would not hesitate for a minute to drill and tap the sow block so you could make bolt down dies. The only thing is it may be fairly hard so be very careful and use a top quality brand new tap to tap the hole. The last thing you want to do is break a tap in the hole. I would remove the sow block and drill it in a drill press or mill, and then use the drill press with a center to ensure the tap is straight

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Patricks method works great I have done it that is what Clifton show me. Again on an air hammer you must make up the space of the missing
bottom die. I think your top die dovetail is different and I don't think this will work easily for that one. I have made dovetails no taller than the sow block then drilled and counter bore from the bottom so the top part of the die could be bolted to the dove tail.

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Patrick thank you for the very good description, don't think I am ready to try that method. i think like you suggest get a bunch of blanks from a machine shop, 1045/4140 I can HT myself.

Robin that is incredible! Very ingenious man thank you.

BT, I'd just as soon do it the way I mentioned before all that stuff he suggests.

John, for limited stuff I think I will drill and tap the sow block as you suggest, thanks for the tips on using the drill press as the center. I always wondered what the little dimple on top of a tapping wrench is for LOL.

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  • 4 months later...

Back in February in post no. 25 of this thread I posted about making power hammer dies using a radial arm saw with a grinding wheel. I just located the jig used to hold the hammer die during dovetail grinding process. I used this plywood fixture to hold two sets of dies while grinding the dovetails. The process, although not elegant, produced accurate dovetails .

The die in the jig is a commercial die for a different hammer just to show how it all fitted up. The trick is to take light cuts and PUSH the grinder through from the front of the machine otherwise the grinder will climb up onto the work piece and stall.

I call the re-purposed saw a redneck surface grinder. Grinding is best performed out of doors since the spark stream is robust and constitutes a fire hazard.


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cool dies...were they made from 4 pieces?

Each die is a single piece of steel... I cut a division line between the flat and fuller sides of the dies. It made using a belt sander easier on the fuller side. Agressive fullering dies on any hammer are suprisingly useful.....
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  • 11 months later...
Guest Johnnie

I love IFK. Need to make new dies for my Beaudry and you guys have given me a few ideas if not answered all my questions, thank you.

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Guest Johnnie

I love IFK. Need to make new dies for my Beaudry and you guys have given me a few ideas if not answered all my questions, thank you.

I even love IFI!!!! Oops.

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