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I Forge Iron

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Just finished up my third knife. Made from junkyard pavement breaker bit and a piece of birch. Currently designing a matching birch scabbard. The second knife i finished is a mini chef chopper that works great, made from a piece of RR track. enjoy.






It's the best type of steel i have worked with so far in my little experience. After softing it up it does take a few good hits to get it going but after a while it is really nice to work with because you can work it at forgiving range of heat. The first blade was a really hard to work with because the steel would crack whenever it was below orange. Even more difficult to figure out how to heat treat without cracking. But the RR steel was very easy to forge after it took a few beating and i just did a quench in oil, My first knife is holding up really well esp after carving all handle and wood work ive been doing since its creation. If i had propper sharpening tools i believe it would hold it's edge very well. I only had to resharpen my first once for the month and a half of carving wood.


Its amazing how some blades will hold an edge for so long and others . . . well lets not go there lol. I'm almost done my first forged blade, I cant wait to see how the edge retention is going to be. I made it from a torsion bar out of a tail gate from a Chevy truck. I have no clue what kind of steel it is. It worked really well and got so hard after hardening that my file would not touch it. I tempered it at 450f for 2 hours but it was still to hard to file so I tempered it again at 500f for an hour. its still really really hard but the file will just barely touch it now. I did a little destruction test with it before I made the handle, it survived the hammer and being dropped point first onto concrete from 4 feet so I went ahead and made a handle for it. I wonder how I could tell what kind of steel it is.

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