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I Forge Iron

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Saving posts of interest can be done several ways, you can subscribe to the thread and find it easier in IFI later.

you can set a bookmark in your browser.

You can go "file=>save page as" in most browsers and save a copy to your computer

you can open your favorite word processor and copy/paste the text and add in the images to save a post to your computer.

For searching I like to sue Google and the Site: command


twisting wrench site:iforgeiron.com

spike twisting wrench site:iforgeiron.com



If I remember correctly the twisting wrench was a two handled affair with the centre portion having a depression in it being formed by sinking a spike head deeply into it,

I find if I want to keep any details, I have a seperate folder for Interesting items, you can then put your own reference name to identify each one, create a file, then copy and paste and save the required information,

works well for me, if I save in favourites or bookmark, they cannot always be found

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