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I Forge Iron

Ornate Tools


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OH MY GOODNESS!!! need more time to look at these!!!!! wowzers LOVE the animal hammers - beautiful - heartbreakinhg! - such detail on those planes - and ALSO did you check out that draw of screwdrivers! i love whoever is behind this work :) that you'd choose to do that, its wonderful.... yes a lot must be cast, but not all, the tiny detailed stamp marks on some, like littel yin yangs and hearts . absolutely love them. like i said - i need time to look through again when the kids arent wanting attention...

where did you find this stuff???

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Looks like most of them are cast, some are carved from wood and some frabricated from sheet brass. I looked at some of the antique tools and some of them are cast iron. I wish that I could remember his name but there used to be an old smith in Oklahoma that made critter hammers and other tooling, he also thought that there was no reason to leave your tools just plain and utilitarian when they could have charicter. He would put all kind of funny and cute faces on his stuff. It has to have been thirty or more years ago that I met him and it was in a small town to the southeast of Oklahoma City. He was in his late sixties when I met him. I wonder whatever happened to all his tools.

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