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I Forge Iron

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So today I attended the Alabama Forge Councils' annual conference.

It was NOTHING like I expected it to be. The people associated with smithing are apparently a unique breed of people in that everyone is more than happy to tell you anything you want to know so long as you seem willing to learn. There are only 2 places where I have seen this. Smithing, and Boy Scouts.

Anyway along the way I got to meet our own CVMikeRay and BMazingo. Both are extremely nice people and I consider myself lucky to have met them. I also learned that Mike has a CNC plasma and makes stunningly beautiful leaf cut outs, rose patterns etc using it.

Here are a few pictures of the afternoon. I got so wrapped up talking to people and taking it all in that I forgot to take pictures until the sun was going down and lots of people had already left.

Forge Pavilion

Iron in the hat/auction

CVMikeRay with a few of the things he purchased during the auction. I believe it was a copper rose and a Clay Spencer candle holder.

Mike also got some nice deals on a few other items

Anyway for anyone on this site that I didn't meet, the event was a blast. I don't think you could go and not have a good time.
I hope everyone had a blast and hope to meet more people there again next year.


Blacksmiths are noted for having opinions and being more than willing to share them. There IS a good reason it's abreviated BS you know. But no, there's no surprise to finding a gathering of smiths happy to help and share the craft. It wasn't that many years ago it was a waning craft. Sure smithing isn't coming back as a major industrial trade but there's a growing interest in being able to make things yourself and steel is the basis of human civilization. Being able to take humanities two oldest tools, fire and something to bash with and have your way with iron and steel is deeply satisfying. It's also very contagious and addictive, I'm thinking you're lost now.

Frosty the Lucky.

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