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I Forge Iron

Pictures and tales from my first demo!


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Had my first demo this last weekend, and I had a blast! We set up on Friday which went easier that expected. Saturday morning brought woes as our tent turned itself into a pretzel in the storms that rolled threw at 4:30 am. We started a little late having to scramble for a new tent, and then it started to rain. It rained all day! Any idea on how hard it is to forge in the rain?!? Not a good time. Still, we had people coming by and watching, so I was out there hammering away in the drops.
Sunday was picture perfect weather! Sunny and 65-70. We had large crowds all day. There were times when all three sides of my demo area (about 10x15) were 3 and 4 deep. No selling was allowed ( Demo, not vendor! ) But I could have sold everything and more! I think i ended up making around 100 "J" hooks that day - handed out to the kids that were watching. The wife bartered away a good chunk of the rest of my stock to other venders.

I had a great time and will do it again in a heart beat!

On to pictures ( taken by my 11 year old daughter during the only slower time:
Tongs and hammer in the same hand! What skill....

How can you tell if a smith is telling a "Tall Tail?" His lips are moving

Yes, the fire is hot!

MMmmm.... Smoke for breakfast!

I once forged a fish this big......

My custom made tool rack!

Final dry/ polish of a hook before giving it away

Finish the eye on a "J" hook

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Nice job and some good photography! I would comment on the nice legs but at least you have are brave enough to show them! Sorry to hear it rained on your "parade"...what is rain anyway...haven't seen any on my place since the weekend of July 4th! and East Texas is having MAJOR wildfires. Could you maybe send it our way....please... Enjoyed your post, thanks.

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Welcome to the fun and strange world of Demos. Sorry you were not allowed to sell some wares, people who watch items being made want to own something made by the Blacksmith they just watched. Never been asked if the fire was hot, yet. You seem to have had a good time and if you have lots of people around you watching, quizzing, and enjoying, it makes if fun and worthwhile for you. Keep doing them. In the future maybe work it where you can also sell wares as a demonstrator. Maybe set up a table beside where your wife can do the sales for you.

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Rain is like having a quench bucket being continuously poured on your anvil! Had to spend 20 min Sunday morning with the cordless grinder cleaning the rust off of the anvils! We did have a table set up to display other "wares" that blacksmiths could make. My wife and kids maned that to answer questions and keep product from walking away. Most of the stuff was given freely if asked for, but there were some "on-offs / first make" that have sentimental value. We are going to ask if we can have a "Feed the forge" jar next year to help offset the costs.

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Glad you enjoyed it, did you have plenty of signage and literature or business cards etc to give out for interested parties?

The enjoyment factor doesn't pay the bills at the end of the day, and show organisers shouldn't expect an attraction for the show to be out of pocket at the end of the day.

Now they have had a chance to see your contribution to their show, you should have a bit more bargaining power for the next one.

Good luck with it and i hope you get your just rewards for your efforts.

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The tool rack ended up being a great thing. Feel free to steal it. It is based off of a t.v. tray. It should fold up flat, but it is slightly warped. There are 4 cross pieces that are looped on one side and hook on the other. I can take more pictures of that if needed.

This demo started off wrong. There was a miss communication early on about insurance ( in fact I need to start a thread for that! ). So we ended up with very little singage, no advertising , ( web page etc) and no business cards. We did have a stamp with our name, and stamped a lot of flyers for people. Not too worried about loosing sales, as I do this as a hobby only

I had so much fun doing this that I will do it again. My voice is still messed up from talking loudly over the blower, need to find a quieter one of them, and sucking coal smoke while talking.

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