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I Forge Iron

Off Center Induction Forge Sources

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I went to look at the Blacksmiths Depot website because I wanted to see the retail pricing on Grant's induction forges, but all the links are bad.

Grant, perhaps you can let us know if you're still importing these, and where we can find them. I'm not in the buying cycle quite yet for a forge, but I am in the buying cycle for a house, and I wanted to see the electrical requirements and options.

If I remember from other threads, you have a 15KW, 25KW and a 40 KW. Since I'm just a hobbyist, I'm mostly interested in the 15KW, because I can't really justify the cost of one of those, and if you start adding in complicated cooling systems, there's no way I'll be able to put one in my shop!

So I guess my question is a bit more than source. Can you also talk a bit about systems requirements for one of the small induction systems? Electricity, cooling... anything else I would need to know?

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Hey guys! Well, I just started a website to try to bring all the information together in one place: OCP INDUCTION FORGE
Please excuse the mess.

The 15 KW machine is the only one that runs on single phase and requires 50 - 60 amps. I'm trying to avoid doing too much promotion on these most generous website, so go to the above for more information.

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Grant, that's great, thank you.

You hit it on the head: I'm going to have 220v, but only single phase for the time being, since I don't have anything else that requires 3ph power. I had planned on having 100 amps of service, but that might be overkill.

Can you educate us on the cooling requirements? You show a picture of the induction heater on a cart, with the cooler below. What kind of cooling setup is that, and what's the approximate cost if it's not included in the price of the induction equipment?

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Wow, that is so freakin cool. On the site it says 90% energy savings, is that over propane? I can't justify it now but in a couple years when I am running my shop full time I would be stupid not to. With welding is oxidizing still an issue? I suppose you could set up an inert gas system, then do perfect dry welds with no scale. Oh the possibilities, so cool. -Justin

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Well, there is less scale, but in the atmosphere at welding temperature things do scale fast. An inert gas system would certainly be quite feasible. Join the site and lets build a database of induction related questions there. Then we'll just reference that site whenever the subject comes up.

Yes, 90% over gas seems to be pretty consistent.

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Yeah, I have no doubt you could use a silicone carbide crucible too. The graphite starts gassing-off (carbon-dioxide?) around 4000 or so. Might be able to do a 1 pound charge, maybe more.

Probably some CO, also!

SiC ought to work. I'd just be afraid of melting the dang thing.
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..... I'm trying to avoid doing too much promotion on these most generous website, so go to the above for more information.

I appreciate your attitude.

Can you give us some more background, without shameless promotion? Or perhaps Glenn will be willing to allow some promotion if you're helping us understand the requirements for setting up an induction forge.

Is there a rule of thumb for providing cooling on induction equipment? How is it measured? BTU? I guess that's all I can ask, because I don't know what else I don't know.
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Hard to give rules for the cooling. Nothing to do with the size of the machine, but rather how inefficient it is. It's only the wasted heat that needs to be carried off by the cooler. I've found the Dynaflux R-1000 TIG cooler to work well. I list the best source for it on my site.

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I feel sure I can fixup my old CRAFTSMAN bug zapper with a 220 V dryer cord, and make a induction forge out of it, never thought about cooling though, maybe a bucket of ice water and an aquarium pump would work. The bug zapper has made many an evenings entertainment on the back porch, and i will miss the sheer joy of hearing a june bug fry.

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