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I Forge Iron

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Ok folks, I did a forum search prior to posting and came up dry. I suspect the feature's not working properly at the moment because I'm pretty sure this topic was discussed before, so pardon any duplication.

Why do many knifemakers favor use of a liner between the stock material and knife scales? Is it mainly for aesthetics, or is there a functional purpose? The engineer in me says it helps offset the stress between the wooden handles and the steel that expand and contract very differently as a function of temperature, which would cause premature separation, especially whn the metal stock is on the thin side and somewhat flexible.

Thank you in advance for any feedback and insight!


Yes, the spacers are supposed to act as a buffer for the glue joint. I've heard some knifemakers say it doesn't work that well, but I've never had a problem. Using stabilized handle material will eliminate most shrinkage problems.

  • 2 weeks later...

For me, spacers are purely aesthetic... With the glues available, stabilized wood from K&G or WSSI, there's no worry about allowing for stress relief.
Liner's are just another way for accents... Note, sometimes they can cause more problems that they are worth, especially vulcanized rubber.... Stick to G10 for thin liners and you'll be fine.

  • 3 weeks later...

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