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I Forge Iron

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Secrets Of The Forge.
By Antonello Rizzo
ISBN 978-88-903359-1-4
228 pages

Despite what the title suggests I really didn’t find any “secrets” , But then I didn’t expect any when I purchased it either. I suspect the name was just a bold attempt to catch attention. maybe a bit of celebration in bravado.
This book was written in 2008 and is half Italian and half being the English language translation, with both appearing in separate columns on the same pages,which is distracting.
From what I can tell the translator is either very good or has some knowledge of metal work as the descriptions are clear and to the point. No guessing as to what was going on as other translated texts sometimes struggle with.
The book is over size and is loaded with clear color pictures and lives up to the step be step instructions they promise.
The book starts out with instructions for some very simple skills that an intermediate or advanced smith will find a waste of space. but well done for a beginners prospective.
The different design motifs for gates and railings are enjoyable to see, as is the rose from a piece 1”x 5/32” flat bar stock. There is also a nice article on a simple lock, but the highlight for me was the extremely artistic duck in flight, again with step by step instructions.
It is very interesting in that these Italian metal smiths are obviously dealing with different standards than we are put under in the US and British markets. They are obviously allowed to be more artistic in the finished product. Almost to the point of being “folk art” on what for us would be serious commercial items.
Now for the big problem, the elephant in the room so to speak.. the price. If this was a $50.00 book, I would say it was well worth it and should be on your shelf. At the asking price of over $100.00 US dollars I would have to suggest finding a library or borrowing a copy as your best way to see this book.

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