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Here are some pics of the changes we made to the head of the new style Kinyon hammer. I think it's an improvement as there is no play in the head and friction is minimal. Total weight of the tup is 86 lbs, with flat dies, 100 lbs.
I used a hydraulic 2x10 cylinder because I had it. It works well. Also, I went to a 1/4 x 2.5" spring arm.












As an addendum...this hammer is not for the faint of heart when it comes to air. Ron runs his hammer at 80-100psi using a 2.5x8 air cylinder. With my tup weight, he suggested a minimum of 2.5x 10. My hammer runs best at 120 psi and requires a 7.5 hp w/80 gal tank. I have hooked up 2 tanks for a total of 160 gal air. I get 160 bpm minimum with hammer control down to next to nothing. It's an awesome hammer.

Thanks to Ron for coming up with the concept.



Looks good John! That one for Bob?

Bob has the first one done to Ron's plans w/the UHMW. He's happy. His hammer works well. This is the second one. I just couldn't resist tweaking. My plan is to run this one for several months to work out any bugs and then possibly sell it, and then make another if someone is interested.

I did not do the design on this hammer and cannot take any kind of credit for it. It's all Ron Kinyon. I/we (Keane Randall) redesigned the head as pictured. It works exceptionally well. Time will tell.


that looks really good cant wait to see the video of it runnings
how do you oil or grease the two piston arms or is the bushings oil bronze or such ?

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