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My father in law has a Henry Wright anvil and we are trying to determine what it is worth. On the side of the anvil it says the following.


Picture attached. Sorry for the quality. We are curious the estimated value of the anvil. Any help would be appreciated.



Hey Rooster welcome aboard!...........Looks like a good anvil from what I can see from the thumbnail. Downloading 3MB+ pics takes a long time for allot of us, and the uploading for you is a stretch too I'll bet. I've found that by setting my camera on the lowest mega pixels resolution the files get down below 500KB, just a tip.....:) .......Where are you from, that has a bearing on what anvils are worth.....mb


Hey Rooster welcome aboard!...........Looks like a good anvil from what I can see from the thumbnail. Downloading 3MB+ pics takes a long time for allot of us, and the uploading for you is a stretch too I'll bet. I've found that by setting my camera on the lowest mega pixels resolution the files get down below 500KB, just a tip.....:) .......Where are you from, that has a bearing on what anvils are worth.....mb

Thanks for the reply. Sorry for the picture size. My father in law lives in northern Michigan. We have tried to track down the value of the anvil but it seems that Henry Wright anvils are rare and it is making it hard for us to figure out what it is worth. Thanks for your help.

Not the first Henry Wright I have seen, but yes they are some what rare according to Mr Postman they were made from 1840's to about 1914, the 150 is the weight in pounds most likely
I would give it a value of around $2.00/ lb in this area (CA) that would be the asking price set by the anvil magnets out here


Like Bruce said, It does make a difference of locallity as to what an anvil is worth. Some places are anvil poor and some places they seem to be every where. And as Monster said, I would think that $225 would be a reasonablew price. It is a little rough on the edges of the face, but that is not a major problem. Welcome to IFI. :D


One major issues is that most smiths don't buy by the rarity of the anvil maker they buy by size and condition. So it being a HW puts it into the "good quality anvil" bucket but doesn't suddenly double it's price. (If you had a 200 pound Peter Wright in the same condition as that Henry Wright and asked the same price for both of them smiths would jump on the PW leaving the HW...)

Very few anvil collectors in the USA though there are many more anvil hoarders.

Michigan is in the anvil rich midwest, if it was here in NM it would go for more than $225


And condition to a collector is everything. I have a arm & hammer farriers clip horn. One of only a handful (Postman had seen one and heard of one other) known to exist but it's rough and has had some repair... Every collector I talked to had no interest at any price because of this. My guess is your anvil has no or very little added "collector value" because of it's size and condition. If it was a 500lb HW in the same condition it might be another story.

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