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I Forge Iron

First class

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Good thing your first project was not door hinges, or you would have had to build a building to use them. :roll: Keep the stake turner as it is your first project. It will bring back many memories as your blacksmithing continues.

Keep us informed as to your progress (projects). And if you have questions, ask.

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Congratulations! My first project was a nail hook or "J" hook. It serves as a paperweight so I can see it throughout the day and remember that there's something besides work waiting for me when I head home from academia...

Now, about that steak turner. Promptly fire up the grill and turn me a steak, medium rare, if you please. Overnight it to me and I will comment. I can tell alot about the quality of your forged steak turner by the meat it helps to cook. I await my sample...


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Whatever you do, unless you sell the items, do not ever throw out your first year's items. They serve as a benchmark for your foundation in smithing, as well, it illustrates your progress as you learn. It is much easier to look at some of your original works and see what you may view later as 'mistakes'. Remember, the only mistakes made are the ones when you are learning and do it the same (wrong) way twice or more. If I had not lost much of it from my move to Saskatchewan, I would still have almost everything from my first year's apprenticeship. I still have all of my proof- and test-pieces, as well as my first one-piece iron rose (took a lifetime to do - or so it felt).
Most of all, stay alert, be careful, and enjoy yourself. :D :D

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I guess you could say steak turners are my area of expertise lol. Its great to hear your having a good time at your class. Just dont forget what you learned and dont just apply what you made making a steak turner to making a steak turner. Blacksmithing is a combination of processes and creativity to achive a final goal. Once you get the basic processes down just about anything is possible. Get your process down well, right now drawing out maybe well mastered, but forge welds seem just about impossible. I felt that way about a year ago, now a forge weld is just a simple process, but there was a day when it seemed impossible. Keep up the good work, you have a great craft ahead of you. Btw, If you look in the gallery and go under my name you will find a ugly person with a stupid smile and also a picture of 3 steak turners, Those are examples of what I mean by dont only apply what you learned to one project, I took what is ussally a fireplace tool handle and added it to a steak turner, its important to be creative, but more important to have fun. happy hammerin, Ill shut up now.

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