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I Forge Iron

Friday Night Forge Lite

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Last weekend we started Friday Night Forge Lite here at Black Dog Forge. An informal gathering for smiths of all skill levels from novice to pro.If there is enough interest and attendees we can make this a regular weekly event.

The idea is to learn , teach, exchange ideas and generally have a good time bashing hot iron. The forge is set up with an anvil station on either side so two smiths can work at the same time. There is also a portable forge that can be set up just outside the smithy door. If you are interested in joining in please call me to let me know you plan to attend. Mark 978-249-6404 call before 8:00PM please. or send me an email, [email protected], There is no cost. Safety gear , particularly safety glasses , is required!

Black Dog Forge is located in N. Central Massachusetts in the town of Royalston.
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They used to have such gatherings at the Martinez Hacienda museum in Taos, NM. They called themselves Batmen [blacksmiths at Taos], and it was informal. There was no roster of officers and no Roberts Rules of Order, just fun at the forge.

http://www.turleyforge.com Granddaddy of Blacksmith Schools

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Wish I could make it, but you're a little bit out of my range. Great idea though.

I don't mean to hi-jack your thread, but I really like your shop.

What are the dimensions?

Do you find that you have plenty of space to work in?



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