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Ek berei al vir n rukkie voor om n meganiese hammer te verkry omdat die jare aanstap en n mens in die proses n bietjie spoed en krag verloor.Synde dat die meeste mense my deesdae "Oom" begin noem lyk dit vir my die tyd kom nou nader.
N lugdrukhammer skyn vir my die pad te wees om te loop omdat ek oor n geskikte kompressor beskik.Het enigeiemand vir my raad waar ek planne of beskrywings van n bewese werkbare model kan bekom.Is kommersiele modelle in die mark beskikbaar en waar?
En laastens is daar enigeiemand daar buite wat so iets gebou het en gereeld gebruik?

Due to oncoming age I am looking for viable and relaible plans for an air hammer.Alternatively I would like to know if such hammers are commercially available and where.Is there anybody out there who has built and is using a reliable working example on a full time basis.
love to hear from you

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

OOM HERMAN!!! Jammer ek kan OOM nie help nie!! wink.gif

English: Sorry Uncle Herman, I can't help you there!!

Toemaar JONGMAN die OOM het intussen reggekom.Plan gekry uit VSA en versamel nou materiaal.Gaan die ding self Bou.
By the way wanneer is daar weer n forge in?Dis darem altemitters baie stil deesdae.

Never mind YOUNG MAN got fixed up via a plan from the US.Gonna build one myself.By the way when is the next forge in.?Very quiet of late.

Man, my Afrikaans has got really poor - I had to read the translation to make sure I'd read you right!

Presumably there are power hammers in SA, there used to be plenty of manufacturing. I'd be interested to know if anyone built them locally.

Which hammer plans did you end up choosing & why, if I may ask?
Sorry for the partial hijack.


Did lyk asof die ou mense nie kan slaap nie?(looks as if the old folks can't sleep)

I'm sort of building a light hammer in JHB it's basically similar to what John has just built(as per his video last week.


Nice to see the highveld waking up again(just in time for winter)

Hi Matt,

I had wondered about Ratel and the connection? no doubt atother expat.

Local manufacturing has been on a steep downward spiral for the last couple of years, kicked along savagely by the metal and allied workers workers union and the barganing counsil. Would you believe they have asked for an 18% across the board with the 'official' cpi at 6.5%.(The reasoning is that their members are struggling to cope with their debt.............Duh) Ah, well another day..



Hi Ian. Yes, I'm a Brit that was brought up (mostly) in the R.S.A. Before we returned to the U.K. Married an Aussie girl & live here now. In many ways it feels like SA, lifestyle wise, where we live. Beaches, braais, camping, outdoors & sports.
Not been back yet myself, but family who have report it's best to pretend it's your first trip due to the MASSIVE changes since 1986.

  • 8 months later...

Hi guys,

Long silence due to a little mishappie,read about it on the victorian gate site.I have a good friend for whom I recently made two machetes in exchange for an anvil, who says he has plans for a little giant which he wants to modify.He reckons he can build a better working example for about ten G's.

I'll go see him soon and keep you posted.

The Bear


Have a friend that is building one based on the little giant across the green belt from me. He is going to use a i.5 KW 220 V VSD with a 3 phase motor to control the hits and speed. Having built two myself I can only say I am impressed with his hammer so far, especially the VSD idea. His will only be for Damascus. I use a press these days - hammer too noisy for the neighbors.

  • 4 months later...

Any good plans on building a good sized fly press? Or would hyraulics be the way to go with presses? I agree with the noise issue with a powerhammer...i built a small one on the krusty principle...uses a cars leaf springs as main pivot. Works fine but makes quite a racket...which is a problem if you are a backyard smith lol you become unpopular with the neighbours!

  • 2 weeks later...

I use a 30 ton air assisted press for all my work and Damascus and it works well for me. My hammer I gave away as it was too noisy. Press is slower but does the job. Any relation to the Pirate? I see your from Graskop - lived in Nelspruit for 7 years back in the days before the sun set.

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