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I Forge Iron

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We would like to share some photos of this past weekends event.

The morning demonstrator was Cathy Borthwick of Flag Forge in Flagstaff, AZ. Her work can also be seen at www.flagforge.com/ She began with a lecture of her 30 years experience working the art fair circut, and how to get started in this area of blacksmithing. She then did a demo on a Elks Head fire place poker which is one of her best selling products.

I must appolgize that I did not get alot of pictures of her demo and the end piece as I was running around trying to organize the lunch BBQ. In the afternoon I got smart and gave the camera to someone else to take photos while I helped with the demo. Hopefully someone else who attended will post some photos too.

In the afternoon Brian Hughes of Prescott, Az. demonstrated elements of a large railing job he recently completed and then turned it into a table top sculpture. Brian's work can also be seen at www.artsmithing.com/









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