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I Forge Iron

My first real knife


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This is the first real knife i have made, it took a day to forge and a day at home to do the handle, Not perfect but i like it.
It is made from EN9 medium carbon steel here is the breakdown of elements C. 0.50% Si.0.25% Mn.0.70% S.0.05% P.0.05%..
All the forging was done at Hector Coles place at swindon, this man is awesome he specialises in medieval blades and arrowheads.
if admin dont mind heres a link to his website for any who are interested.hector cole ironwork


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cheers guys, ive made some knives before but only out of mild steel just practising really, but i have now ordered some en9 and also found a supplier for antler in scotland at good prices. But thanks again for the comments and also any criticisms would be welcome, can only help me improve my work.


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