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I Forge Iron

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I really don't like introductions, but I will try to give you a small idea of who I am.

I'm 46, married with 3 children and expecting a 4th in May/June. I'm a Veteran who spent 7 years in the U.S. Air Force working in electronics on B 52s, KC 135s, and the F/EF 111s. I've lived in Northern Michigan, Colorado for a short time, and Southern Idaho before returning to Vermont where I was born.

Since I returned to Vermont I've worked as a Gunsmith, salesman, electronics technician, radio station engineer, dispatcher for a home security firm, and a night guard/auditor for an Inne.

I am a collector, but not a very good seller, and I have steel and gunpowder in my veins. I like to hunt and I have rifle, bow and arrow, and knife if need be to take what I'm after. I shoot handgun for fun and self defense and like working steel to make or tune just about anything that shoots or once did.

I'm mostly interested in forging knives, but if I can learn to make obsolete gun parts I will be headed in the right direction. Everything else I can learn to make will hopefully pay my way to bigger and better days.

I'm also very involved with politics although when you think about it we all are. I think that governments should stay out of the way and people should do what's best for them, hopefully with God's guidance and recognizing their ability to take responsibility for the good and bad we pass on to others.

As I said, I'm 46 and my wife is 45 and expecting a son. I believe in miracles.

I will admit that life is hard, if you can find a friend here or in your area don't pass up the chance to learn more about them and share some of your experiences with them. At the very least, when the day is done you can sit down and share a glass of wine, or a bottle of your favorite brew and shoot the breeze knowing someone knows you're there.

See you all at the forge. :)

P.S. I've scratched the surface so let me know what else you'd like to know.


GunsmithnMaker, thanks for posting you self-intro. I for one, look forward to getting to know you better through this forum. In the meantime, keep on hittin' hot iron!


Welcome. You can learn a lot from the folks around here. Always something new and exciting.
And I'm retired USAF 20 years this coming october.


Welcome to IFI. I'm retired Coast Guard since 97. Hunting and blacksmithing are my hobbies. Blacksmithing has taken over as the main hobby. Enjoy your stay, lots to learn and teach.


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