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I Forge Iron

Hertfordshire UK Old Forge Sale

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Hello to all,

A forge down the road from me - SW Herts - has a lot of stuff for sale. The smith died a few years ago and the family are selling the property. A lot of the small stuff has, unsurprisingly, become a bit rusty but is still recoverable. However, the reason for this post is the big kit. Some local 'Scrap Dealers' (we all know the type) have made a stupid offer, I am posting this to give some legitimate person the chance to buy. There are drills, a fly press and folding machines a decent anvil (but bick is worn at the end) and ... a Three hundred weight Massey power hammer - I've not had it working but it looks fine and there are a number of accessories to go with it.

Well, there it is, if this is in the wrong place sorry to Glenn but I want as many to see this as possible, I have a horrible feeling that the family would rather scrap the stuff than be ripped off. It is just too big for me. Any interested parties please p.m. me; a reply may take time because my 'phone and internet are down at home and will be for a week or so (BT!).



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