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I Forge Iron

First Post, First forged blade, Looong way to go


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This is my first attempt at some pretty crude forging. My tools included (and were limited to) a 4lb straight peen hammer, an ocy-acetylene torch with rosebud tip, and a full sized frame machine at our body shop as my anvil.

Material started as a piece of 5160, 6"x1"x1/4". I know I have a LONG way to go and SO SO much to learn, but for getting started and hammering out a blade, I am very proud of myself.

I already know I made major divots in the steel and I need to walk my edge over a little toward the bottom, but my goal was to make a very rudimentary blade anyway.

Handle will be cherry and curved to mirror the blade, with a rounded end sorta like a ram's horn. I also plan on wrapping the top of the handle in brass wire to cover the joint between the handle and blade.


After clean up and heat treat/tempering.

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Hi Brad, glad ya made it. Welcome aboard! This is the place to find a lot of help with your knifemaking. If these guys can't help then no one can. There are many resources available here to get you started and the most important are the people. We all started out just like you did.....except for me, I was born a brilliant knifemaking genius...oh, I forgot, my therapist told me that was just a dream. Don't forget to post some finished pics. :D

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Hello Brad,
I usually do not post about peoples new work. It seems much of the replies are obligatory words of encouragement to a newbie.
Yours caught my eye for several reasons. First the odd but pleasant "S" shape.Second the hammer marks not ground out which gives it a cool old time forged look.And third the copper does look great. This knife has character! I also was impressed that you are so determined to make knives that you forged this with such basic tools. That is the passion that is prevalent in a lot of the best knife makers I have known and studied. Brad excellent job! Please pm me some time as I might be interested in ordering one just like it.

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Thank you for taking the time to really look at this one closely... :) I have several (actually about a half dozen) people already talking about buying a knife from me, and I will surely let you know once I am ready to start taking on commissions...

These next 3 were not forged, so I don't want to give them a new thread here. Hopefully I'm not out of line by showing off some of my other work...

A fighter and a bowie, each 9" from tip to plunge, and a 6" wharncliffe. All are 1/4" 5160 stock.

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