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I Forge Iron

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There are several groups in Virginia that you could gain some knowledge from. I am a member of several of them. if you go to Blacksmith Guild of Viriginia - Home and go to the links page you can find a good listing of the ones around. You can also search ABANA for the affiliates, but there are some top notch groups out there who choose not to be affiliated!

yesteryearforge: your generosity has helped out a bunch of new smiths over the past years...cheers to you sir!


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Yesteryearforge and Ladysmith:

That sound you may be hearing is the cheering from the rest of us for your offers to help out Elfshadow.

You are to be commended, as without the passing of knowledge, and loan of equipment, some beginners would never get the chance to try it themselves.

Bravo! Bravo!

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