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I Forge Iron

Anyone read this book

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I bought it, read it, and made a forge from the instructions in it. I thought it was well worth the money. You might be able to find some of the same information on the net, depending on what you want it for.
I like having a book to refer too as opposed to going to a website.

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I haven't read Mike's book but he certainly knows what he's talking about. I was going to buy a copy but he and I got talking and he told me not to as I was already ahead of it. I have looked through friend's copy and recommend it highly for the hard data and precise directions.

Mike and I have a different philosophy where building burners is concerned. MIke's shooting for a home built design that's equal to commercial units. I on the other hand like mine simple, robust and inexpensive.

A forge burner has to run rich to hold down on scale anyway, so I figure there's not a lot of point an building one that will achieve a stoichometric ratio, then detune it so it runs rich.

I posted a concept drawing and description of what I call the "T" Jet burner in the "small gas forge" thread.


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