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I Forge Iron



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Hey everybody,
I'm not a blacksmith or craftsman but enjoy knives and training with them.
I am a 14 year US Army veteran four of which was with Special Forces (1st Group mostly). I was a security contractor in Iraq and Afghanistan for two years. In May of '04, I got gut-shot near Kabul as a result of a friendly fire incident ending my career. Now I just pretty much enjoy training.
I'm also sandpile's nephew. I want to convey my gratitude to my aunt and uncle and their family as well as any members here who go the word and prayed for me. I very nearly died and I know prayer made the difference.
I suspect I'll just do some lurking and reading while I'm here because I don't want to shoot my mouth off out of ignorance.
Its a good forum with quite a bit of knowledge among the members.
Looking forward to learning
BTW "Mooch" was my old-call sign

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Yeah, I want to make a good fighter. Currently I carry a 4" CRKT Crawford and Kasper folder for personal defense. Its been all over and needs to be retired with honor. I'm going to a 5" fixed tanto with no secondary point carried in a behind the back leather horizontal scabbard. I've spent the last two days lookng at Cold Steel, Gerber, Emerson and holy cow the prices have changed. So I would like to make my own for the sentimentality of it as well as the price.
I appreciate the fine welcome, fellas

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Howdy from East TEXAS!! and welcome to IFI! Glad to hear from the man we all prayed for and THANK YOU for your service. Sorry to hear that you are so close kin to Sandpile :) tell him TDean says HOWDY. You are fortunate to have him as an uncle. (You'll get real addicted to this site, so be careful)

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