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I Forge Iron

Headed to eastern canada

Bryce Masuk

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I am coming to ontario near Milton, hoping to come meet blacksmiths in Ontario and New york.

I will probley begin to travel on December 5th or something like that but I will be out there on the 30th of november

I will go where ever the fire is burning, willing to do anything to help, I am not expecting anything for my labour.
In the circumstance that classes that I am interested in are available I willing to pay to learn.

I will be around until I either have no money or credit left.

hoping to learn as much as possible and meet interesting people, I have no expectations so I cannot be disapointed.

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Thanks frosty,

I am doing something up your alley right now hahaha

Installing a snowplow for my buddy on his 4runner its just a small plow but its made for a bit bigger truck and it wont bolt on so I needed to make a mount so it can bolt up.

amazing how I keep working on vehicals yet I dont even own one.

after this the washington guys are going to think I am trying to avoid them or something heading to new mexico to learn how to blacksmith and then head to the eastcoast, while great people are just across the line.

I want to head down to their meets and stuff but I dont own a car, having the powerhammer was more important to me lol
usually to install I need a hand or a lift so I just get people with a ride to give me a hand.

I usually do everything backwards I dont intend to though, it just happens.

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I am going to go where ever ohio sounds good to me.
maine sounds like a really cool place as well
I havent been to either and I would like to go.

If there isnt anything for me to do where I am then I will head where ever there is.

I am trying to get immersed into experiance in whatever ways I can find Im 24 years old its time to see what this world is about the only thing that is a constant is my desire to blacksmith.

I will go wherever that it leads me

I like to call it Chasing The Phoenix lol

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I think frosty made a funny.

Hopefully people can still see this post I am hoping to make this a pretty random adventure.

I am thinking I should buy a disposable cell phone in the states and post the number up on here so people can get ahold of me because I probley wont bring my laptop with me because I will be staying in hostels and whereever it works in the moment
plus If I had to pawn it I probley would.

I will be checking the computer as I can as I travel I have a little less than a month to figure it out or entirely wing it
either way I am full commited and willing to work hard

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I don't know things are quieting down right now. One of the mills a lot of my forged work goes to just locked out their employees Sunday night. But I will show him around and maybe we can work together a day or two. I can also let him know where to find some other smiths in the area.

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Thanks alot John,

I am really interested to see how you are doing things learning how to do different forging methods would be a great help as well as to see how you as a (one man shop?) do industrial work and pattern making

I will call you when I get out there before I am ready to head out I am spending sometime with family on this trip and then setting out on my own.

I usually find that just watching someone do something I can figure it out maybe I cant do it but after some practice on my own things change a little

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