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I Forge Iron

Hay Budden avvil

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Check the serial # again, Hay Budden did not prefix with a "J". I would think what you are seeing as a "J" is some other number. If so then your anvil would be pre 1905. Weight and condition are everything in pricing an anvil. If you look under the 'Made in Brooklyn, NY' you should find the weight of you anvil. But whatever the case you have what is considered the "caddy" of anvils. Where are you located? anywhere close to East TEXAS!??! B)

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Now Now; I too am a Thomas, and offer a retirement ranch and home for wayward anvils here in New Mexico, where they can spend their days in the company of other anvils resounding to the sound of the hammer on hot metal on them!

I don't even charge for the service though donations are always welcome!

For wayward anvils I can show them the wall of shame and hope to scare them back into good behavior!

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