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I Forge Iron

Memorial Day - Weekend


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This Memorial Day Weekend, let us take just a moment to pause and thank those that have made our freedom possible.

There are those that will decorate the graves of those no longer with us, those that will attend celebrations, and other public events. But the thank you can also be a private matter. If your near an anvil, ring it 3 times, tap the table 3 times before you start dinner, etc. Much like calling a striker, those that need to know will recognize the call.

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we will have 120+ people for a picnic, and it is my pleasure to say grace before we eat, I always make mention of our brothers and sisters who have served, are serving, and those who have given all, so that we may gather as we do, may your holiday be blessed.

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Anvil will ring here Glenn and to all on IFI who are veterans, please accept humble thanks from one who appreciates your service!

When I was a kid, I grew up next to a cemetery - On MD I'd wander around and any veteran's grave I found, I'd put a flag by the headstone if it didn't already have one. About 30 years ago, my friends and I started a tradition of doing a private toast at sunset on Memorial Day in remembrance of those who are gone and for all who are serving. - it will continue this Monday night.

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