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I Forge Iron

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Hey, I'm pretty new to this whole thing and have been looking at the freon mini forges people have been putting together. I cut out the front and now am at a stand still. I have seen a lot of cautionary comments on left over freon and the green paint, I'm wondering if its a good idea to burn it out with charcoal (and standing far away) before painting/lining?


I hope the bottle was completely empty when you opened it up. If not, better lay in a supply of high factor sunscreen.

ozone depletion?

If he got a disposal it was probably pumped below atmospheric, also likely R134A so less an issue. Anyways the cylinder would get pierced and shredded at the recycling facility so the release of gas is all the same.

I'm told that they need to be pierced to dispose of them around here anyways. There still may be some oil residue, but not necessarily. The oil would be a light mineral oil or glycerin, either will wash out with soap and water, but as a film won't affect much of anything.


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