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I Forge Iron

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Hi gang,

I've got a brute of an anvil - 680lbs. It's more than twice what I need, but it followed me home and I like it! Problem is, I have no tooling for it and don't have an arm big enough to beat out tools for the nearly 2" hardy hole. Any suggestions on how I might effectively create a removeable bushing to downsize to something around 1"?


For my anvils with 1.5" hardy holes I found some pieces of nesting square tubing and then cut down the corners at one end and bend out the tabs then just drop as many as I need into the hardy hole to get the size I want.

For 2" you may be better off making a hardy tool with a 1" hole in it, sort of like a bolster plate.


Weld some 1/2 inch together to form a tube. Use a piece of 1 inch as a sizing tool, and put a serious rim on it, say 1 inch, so it sits on the anvil, and the hardy tool is well supported. Use full penetration welds for the rim parts, and grind the top and bottom flat, then grind the sides to drop in nicely.

Welcome aboard, and I hope you enjoy that brute of an anvil!



Thanks for the advice guys. Copper washer is a great idea Bruce.

I've attached a couple pics of the anvil. My best guess is it's a Peter Wright. Has an "H" marked on each of the front feet, and a "W" on the lower LH side. Marked 6/0/8 with "0" encircled by "solid wrought". Face is 7" x 27", 1 7/8" Hardy hole, 3/4" pritchel. 17" Tall and 42" long overall. Need to make a stand for it yet. In the meantime my 3 year old thinks it makes a great chalkboard!!!

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