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I Forge Iron

How do you get your " fire" lit?

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Uncy Chop Chop....
If'n youse quit or sell a single b---dy thing I will personally get on a plane, come round to youse house and boot youse around like a football or at least until youse get angry, get off your ar-e and start fighting back. Last time I checked you were Dale Russell, THE Dale Russell. My friend and one of the few blokes barring my old man (God rest his bones) who I'll admit I admire.

One of the MAIN reasons I'm still banging my head against the wall of bureaucracy here in London is because of you and the influence you had on me. I met a bloke who was like me, a battler, passionate about what he did and a b---dy good sort too. A bloke who humbled me by his openess and his generosity, by his skills (and yes you are VERY skilled) and by the way he could 'see' how things in iron were possible and how they could be done. A bloke who was always telling me to go for it, that I could do it and that they wouldn't beat me no matter what because I'd gotten iron in my blood and it never comes out.

SO DO YOU you daft old f--t!

What the heff and jeff is this? So your shoulders gone south and that means the butchers you guys call Dr's over there gets to carve you up, it a shonky deal, no ifs or buts but it can be fixed. If it can't then NO-ONE has a better brain to figure out a way round it than you mate.

You never struck me as a quitter mate, never. Hearing you talk like this doesn't sit well at all. If nowt else remember you are Dale Russell, and that means a hell of a lot to some of us bloke.

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DALE: Do NOT give up!

About 10 years ago I got LYME'S disease. The medico's botched it completely and I spent the next 9 years crippled up BAD, I mean fetal position in the corner whimpering bad! I gave away a bunch of my tools as I figured, and was told by the medical folks, that my next stop was a wheelchair. THEY WERE WRONG! My dear wife refused to give up on me and found me the right person with the right treatment. Now I'm back as good as any 55 yr old has a right to be and working nearly every day at the forge. I'll share what I learned from my experience.

You're not down until you quit trying to get up.
Cut back, but don't cut out. I bought a small forge and continued to do small projects. My tongs and hammers look like they were made for elves. biggrin.gif Now I find myself building a bigger forge and tooling up again.
Take small steps. The human body can and will repair itself if you take it slow. If possible, try to wean off of the medications, they sometimes hamper more than they help. (H***, they had me on OXYCONTIN!)

My prayers are with you. Don't worry, they'll follow the curvature of the earth.wink.gif

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Well said Ian and Sukellos, I know myself Dale is very passionate about blacksmithing and to be of the tools for the time that he has is no doubt getting him down, I am hoping to make a visit next week and if I find him sulking around I will attempt to put my size 9 you know where and then while he's trying to catch me (I reckon I can run faster than him but in saying that the old boy is full of surprises) I will remind him that postive thinking brings positive results. Thanks for your thoughts for him so far away if my size 9 does not do the trick give me your sizes and I will forge a kicker with attatchments and eventually he will get the message (or me) cheers Bully

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Bully , John , Ian & sukellos

Thanks for the kind words

I posted that on a " very low " day for me . Maybe i shouldn't sit in shop drinkin' tinnies smile.gif

Things ave got me down & it's not helpin' that my missus is back in hospital either

Will get past this , it's just gonna take awhile . Lookin' forward to doin' the class with Uri Hofi at MOONY'S in April . So until then i'm " trying " to make tools for my hammer

Dale Russell

P.S ... Bully , u'd better make sure that size 9 is a good 1 cos i maybe an OLD FAT man i can still move fast when i need too ....tongue.gif

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He can at that, like a snake. All it takes is that little 'tch-psssh' you get when you open one of 'his' tinnies :D

Sorry to hear about Sue bloke, hope she's not too bad again, but please, nuff said with the "All fall down go boom" stuff. You ain't falling over cos there's too many ugly sods around to catch youse. You know where I am.

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I'm living proof a person can heal from darned near ANYTHING. Maybe I'll have Deb take some pics of the dents in my head if you're wondering. Dents, Literally, hurting means you're still alive to fight and life is worth fighting for.

I'm very sorry to hear about your wife, I don't know what I'd do if Deb were seriously ill or worse injured like I was. It makes me hurt just thinking about it.

Here's a thought to maybe give you healing incentive, if you can't catch Bully just a little healing and you can throw stuff! B)

You're both in my prayers mate.
Frosty the Lucky

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