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I Forge Iron

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Home repairs. It seems I do more and more home repairs using my forge.

Today, we found the base for the Christmas tree broken. Instead of buying a new one, I fired up the forge and made one. Better than store bought!!

Ever needed a couple of nails just to find you ran out, happened to me the other day. Instead of driving to town I fired up the forge. I had the nails done before I would have even made it to the hardware store.

Next, the handle on our clothes washer broke. The washer is on it's last legs anyway, I'll fire up the forge and make one until we buy the new set.

So what home repairs have you all done lately using the forge??

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The ongoing:
Various lawnmower parts
Franken-fixit items for the ol' autos
Bits and pieces on some old appliances
Special brackets for mounting wire on fence posts
Repairs on the wheelbarrow

The latest:
Battery bracket for my forklift.
One shield and sword set for the boy's video-game character costume.
One hand hammered turtle shell for the girl's costume.

Those last two weren't home fix-its, but "special orders" for Halloween and they definitely "fixed-it" for my GF!

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This didn't happen at home but...a little place where I eat lunch on most Saturdays has a door into another room that only has a handle on one side so the waitresses are forced to dig their nails in the jamb gap to open it. After watching this for a few weeks, I made a simple Suffolk style "bean" handle last night and gave it to the owner today. I also offered to install it but she declined, saying I had done plenty just by the gesture. I also paid for lunch but suspect she may extend a free one next week.

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This didn't happen at home but...a little place where I eat lunch on most Saturdays has a door into another room that only has a handle on one side so the waitresses are forced to dig their nails in the jamb gap to open it. After watching this for a few weeks, I made a simple Suffolk style "bean" handle last night and gave it to the owner today. I also offered to install it but she declined, saying I had done plenty just by the gesture. I also paid for lunch but suspect she may extend a free one next week.

I hope they install it, that was a nice thing you did. You should take pictures after it's installed.
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I have rebuilt the hinges and braces for our attic pull down.

All the light fixtures I have replaced in the house have forged brackets. I didn't like the cheap tin ones in the store so I made ones you could hang off of. Not to mention that store-bought doesn't fit right in our old house!

Keeper clips for bicycles that kept getting slack chains.

Lots of camping hardware!

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xmas gifts.
being winter I have to wait for warmer spells (anything above 10F) before I open the garage door and light a fire in my gasser, but this long thanksgiving weekend co-operated and I made a curtain rod, a set of chisels, two knives and a corkscrew. Now the finish work like sanding on them can be done when it's to cold to have the door open. :D

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