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I Forge Iron

Free 2D and 3D CAD

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Here's where having the drawings done starts paying off. I have a picture of the Nimba anvil and I have a hardy. With a few clicks, I can put them together and do explanatory illustrations. It'll be a virtual blacksmith shop when I get done. Yeah, I know, I need to make some virtual tongs, don't I?


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Try Surface-fillet surface, then pick all 4 corners and enter. I think the command you were using was for inside corners. If you use the command I was using and pick the corners and apply them one at a time you end up with funny corners but you do end up with a solid as opposed to the solid with impossible surfaces.

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Thanks John, I'll play around with it some more.

Yeah, Sketchup seems to do a rock solid DWG or DXF. But it's a real pain not having boolean functions.

Well, I just use a screen capture program from:
!Quick Screen Capture - the best screen capture software - Free Download.
I've got it set to "Alt+F12" and then I can define a capture window and save it. Use it with all my "trial" software. PowerShape even allows me to save, it's just export that you have to pay a toll for, and just has a mickey mouse "print" function.

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Oh yeah, you can also export from Sketchup to Rino or PowerShape with DWG or 3DS. Oops, I guess you can't do that with the free version. But you can open Google SKP files with DoubleCad and then save them as DWG. Workaround. Such is life when you try to get by on the cheap.

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Thanks John. That did it. So when should I be working with solid and when should I be working with surface? I am starting to enjoy RinoCad, might have to buy that one. At $995.00 it seems a pretty good value, although I imagine Solidworks has a few more bells & whistles.

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Boy, there is just too much cool stuff out there.

Hexagon 2 looks cool:DAZ 3D - Free 3D Software and 3D Model Providers

And ViaCAD: ViaCAD 2D/3D Design Software

The ViaCAD video demonstration is impressive: http://www.punchcad.com/video/viacaddemo.html

I guess you just gotta settle on something that does the job for you and climb the learning curve.

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