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How Paw Paw, Jim Wilson affected our lives


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It absoulutely amazing how people we have never met except in cyber space have had such an impact on our lives. Jim Wilson was one of these exceptional people.

When my wife Sylvia passed away Jim and I exchanged numerous e-mails and he had a tremendous effect on my life through his counselling so to speak, and again he was there when I had a nasty bout of I guess it was Post Tramatic Stress Syndrome from an incident in the service that I had blocked out of my mind. Jim and I both had similar things that we were asked and or ordered to do that you are not supposed to talk about, that left sometimes terrible memories to live with. We chatted some about these things between ourselves without revealing the details, and it really helped me. I think it helped him some to.

Jim was a special person to us in the blacksmithing community and he was always willing to share his expertise and wisdom with all who asked.
He will be sadly missed by all who knew him whether face to face or just in correspondence or cyber chat. He was truly a GURU to the smithing world and his book the Revolutionary Blacksmith gave all who read his words much enjoyment and insight into those times.

If you would like to share your memories of Jim or how he affected your lives, this would be a good place to do that.

I am honored that I could call Jim Wilson my FRIEND.

Jr Strasil
SeaBee Veteran

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My other post regarding the passing of Jim Wilson prety well covers it, but I would like to add a few things.

He was a constant source, sometimes daily, of information about blacksmithing. I had a million questions for him.

We talked on the phone & compared notes regarding our time in law enforcement.

I was honored when he found out that I was a Freemason, and thought enough of me to send me his step-fathers Masonic jewelry.

When his book was published, he unsolicited gave me a copy with a wonderful inscription.

Although we only met face to face on two occasions, he was my mentor in this hobby of ours.

It was my great privelege to have known him, I wish it could have been longer.

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I never met Jim personally, but that is not to say that I didn't know him. Throughout Candy's many bouts in the hospital over the last year and then her passing in March, Jim kept in contact with me via email and the chat room. He supplied me with inspiration and encouragement in the face fo Candy's terminal illness and the certian end it would birng. I will never forget his kindness and compassion.


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I met Jim Wilson at Bill Epps Hammer-in several years ago in Dallas. Jim was not a big man physically but occupied a large space. He never seemed to stop smiling. Yep, a special kind of man. He and I emailed many times and he was always encouraging, always wanting to help. I would only offer my prayers for his family and close friends. We shall all miss this man. Be at peace, friend.

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"anything we can do to help?"

The first words I remember of Pawp's to me in the pub. We had chatted before on different things so he wasn't a stranger.

When it came to asking for advice on different things when my Dad was nolonger around to ask it took four men to fill his shoes. Pawp, was one of those four.

There was NOTHING I ever had second thoughts asking him about.

What else can I say?

Grant unto him eternal rest,
May the perpetual light shine upon him
May he rest in peace,


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Like Quenchcrack, I met Paw Paw at Bill Epps' hammer-in. He and Jock flew in for the weekend. We grilled steaks for supper that night and had a good visit. My husband, Steve, is a police officer so he he and Paw Paw had a lot to talk about. When I got my copy of Paw Paw's book, the inscription was to a LEO wife. I had to ask Steve to find out that LEO stood for law enforcement officer. When I told Paw Paw that I had to ask, he got a kick out of it. He understood what it was like to sit at home and wait...

My heart goes out to Sheri.

I found three pictures of Paw Paw taken that weekend and put them in the iforgeiron gallery

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