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I Forge Iron

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A friend gave me these tongs today, and I believe they're pipe tongs (as in smoking pipe), but I'm not sure. Apparently they were found in a barn. Most pipe tongs I've seen have a spring, but I've seen some without. And if they're not pipe tongs, what are they?






I agee, fireplace tongs. Would have been used for rearanging the fire, lighting a fire somewhere else in the house and I"m sure they have lit a pipe or three. They are at least a 100 years old, could be much older? Their length varied (see Colonial Wrought Iron by Don Plummer) The pair I have are 22 inches total length. Graeme.


Interesting, did'nt know that. Judging age will always be a diffcult thing especialy from a photo! Was the "colonial revivial" part of, or the same as the "arts and craft movement"? Which was stong both in England and America around then. I don't think it was significant here in Australia?

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