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I Forge Iron

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I'm new to the forum so I figured I'd post some of my recent work, well not all that recent, I've been on a little hiatus while the kids are out of school. Anyway here are some examples:








BSchermann, you have some very nice work. I especially love the second one down. It would be a great knife to go on hunting trips with. What do you call that type of knife, or is it just a design that you thought of? What did you make it out of? (If you don't mind me asking). I really want to make one.


That one was inspired by a knife forged out at a Hammer-in that I had at my house last year, don't really have a name for it. Here are the specs on it:

The blade is about 6 7/8" from tip to back of Ricasso and is 1 7/16" at it's
widest. Overall length is just over 11". The blade material is 1050 (ish?) that I forged down from round stock clay coated to get it to show a Hamon .

I originally planned to put some wood scales on the handle but decided to try the hemp cord and really liked how it felt.

Thanks for your time,

I see the first blade is damascus. What mix are you using . It looks very nice and has a different flow to it. Mike

That one is some of my own damascus, it is a mix of 1084 and 15N20 it has a lower layer count which gives it that look.

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